Friday, February 25, 2011

TV: Wolverines are more awesome than you think.

"The wolverine is perhaps the least known mammal in North America and one of the least studied large carnivores in the world"
--Wolverine: Chasing the Phantom

Great episode of PBS's Nature.
Who knew actual wolverines were so interesting? They're like a dog plus a bear. They do not, however, have adamantium claws. What makes up for this reality is the fact that you will get to watch a full-grown man narrate the 1st-person experience of a wolverine :)

Watch it free at hulu or at

Exciting news in the world of Sci-fi television

Warning: shameless geekery and fandom ahead.

1) Firefly:
As a result of the SyFy network deciding to re-air the original season of Firefly, new life juice has been injected into the Bring-Firefly-Back movement. Who knows where this particular tributary of the river will lead--the organizers seem to be quite realistic about the likelihood of new episodes of Firefly starting up. But, I will continue to hold strong hope that the Browncoats will succeed in the end, as they certainly should. I think we are in a completely different cultural place from where we were in 2002. We are in a place of accelerated intersectionality. We are beginning to almost fetishize the blatant mash-up of genres. Mmmmm...delicious.
The Facebook Group and
Help Nathan Buy Firefly

2) Star Trek:
Netflix made a deal with CBS to offer ALL GENERATIONS of Star Trek for instant streaming. THANK THE GODS.

A genuine first reaction: