Saturday, April 05, 2008

Arbeit macht frei...

The modern running of the Olympic torch from Greece to the hosting country began with the 1936 Berlin Olympics; yes, this act of transcultural peace & pride came to us compliments of the Third Reich. Sometimes the sheer literary quality of this life is so filling you just can't help but chuckle at it.

I am generally rather suspicious of French President, Nicolas Sarkozy. To me he is a slippery character with a little too much hunger for status and wealth. Not to mention that he's pissing off his own people by messing with their laissez-faire pleasure-is-a-humanRight culture. BUT this being said, I think he's making an interesting move on the China v. Tibet front (the French do love their Buddhists.)

BBC reports that France's human rights minister, Rama Yade said:

"'Three conditions are indispensable for him to go,' she said.

'An end to violence against the population and the release of political prisoners, investigation of the events in Tibet and the opening of dialogue with the Dalai Lama.

'These discussions should be about the recognition of Tibetan autonomy and the spiritual, religious and cultural identity of Tibetans.'"

Bold; I like it. I wonder if they'll really follow through. Personally, I hope a full boycott happens. It's economically terrifying, but the fact that we're nearing the end of the first decade of the 21st century and situations like what is currently happening in Tibet are happening all the time as the world sits by and stares at their's atrocious.

They're targeting monks for heaven's sake. These are people who have dedicated their lives to the practice of nonviolence and loving compassion. They have taken a vow to return to this hamster wheel of existence until all living beings are liberated from the toils of reincarnation and can reach Nirvana. I'm almost embarassed for the Chinese government.

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