Sunday, June 21, 2009

Harry Potter v. Star Trek--the epic battle begins

one of the things i can’t get over, after a lifetime of star trek…why are their photos normal? normal frames. normal static 2-d images.

in Harry Potter v. Star Trek:

HP -1

...and the battle begins.

Hire Me Now

Someone offer me an awesome writing/researching/house sitting/social media'ing/landscape designing/meditation instructing/organization coaching/editing/curriculum building/kid or dog training/house staging/marketing job. in the San Francisco area, or telecommute.

I'm awesome, and I have solid evidence.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Getchyo New Media Art On--M.A.T. show at UC-Santa Barbara

I left work early yesterday to drive up to Santa Barbara and see the end of year show for the Media Art & Technology program at UCSB. It was awesomely held at the Calfornia Nanosystems Institute. I went to support my partner in crime's boyfriend and his work...but I also wanted to check out the work coming out of the program since I recently finished my time at the Center for Integrated Media at CalArts...competing programs and all.

What I saw was a lot of concern with the z-axis. Every program has its trends. At CIM this year it was about looking at the differences between metaphor and metonymy, and the issues surrounding highly participatory (often Relational) art. The MAT boys (and like 3 girls) were all really interested in negotiating virtual space. Some of the work was interesting--Andres Burbano's new take on the camera obscura for example--but largely it fell flat for me. A lot of the pieces would have been better had the tracking been tighter, the sensor delays shorter, etc...but I was a bit bored.

Karl Yerke's hard disk reclamation work was strong. He takes objects whose carbon footprints have already been spent, re-works them, and turns them into tools for music. Interesting outcomes, and satisfying interface.

I got to check out the Allosphere, and talked with JoAnn Kuchera-Morin who recently spoke at TED, which is a life goal for me (TED, not talking to her). It was a nice merging of my current world (art, new media) and my hopefully world-to-be, NeuroPsych.

Soon I'm going to have to post on the far more interesting part of this trip--the sociological craziness. The smell of douche/tool was thick in the air, but more on that later.

Friday, June 05, 2009

Football(soccer) + poetry = the Brits are rockin' it

The place of poetry in Western culture is a tricky thing. Here in the States we are probably more hostile towards the genre(s) than anywhere else. Poetry is for sissies (or at least girls), poetry is boring or too hard to understand--these are so often the assumptions i come across when i mention poetry to non-writers (ok let's face it, also when talking with some strictly-prose writers too).

i think this is a bunch of regurgitated bullshit. Most people who say these sorts of things haven't read more than a few Shakespeare sonnets and some Robert*vomit*Frost...i'm sorry to all the Frost fans, it's not that he was without skill and importance, i just can't get on board...

i found this video on sexartandpolitics' tumblr.
football + poetry video

The moral of the story: real men read poetry. What dude isn't going to score by busting out with some Rilke or Rumi? C'mon...

And for your reading pleasure i offer you this small list of links to poems i dig.

The Ballad of the Lonely Masturbator--Anne Sexton

Letter To the Woman Who Stopped Writing Me Back--Jeffrey McDaniel

The Quiet World--Jeffrey McDaniel

Book of the Things I Put Down My Bra--Elena Georgiou

After Rothko--Michelle Naka Pierce

A motley band of poetry missionaries...that's my next plan.

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

(I Love You M.I.T. Press...)

university presses....when they're endangered, we're all fucked.

here's an article from Inside Higher Ed

Tuesday, June 02, 2009